
Spin off Companies


 Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science (KICS)

KICS is conceived as an institute of applied research covering the general area of Information Technology and Computer Science. KICS is focusing in developing world class applied research resources of Pakistan in algorithms, software engineering and digital control systems. We are gathering the best talent in one place and providing them with an environment and focus for creating new techniques and products.

The name of the institute has been chosen to honor and commemorate one of the greatest Muslim thinkers and mathematicians, namely Al-Khawarizmi Abu Musa, who lived and worked in a small town of Azerbaijan from 780 AD to 850 AD. Al-Khawarizmi is recognized in learned circles not only as the father of Algebra, but also the inventor of the concept of 'Algorithm'. In fact the word algorithm is simply believed to be a corruption of Al-Khawarizmi. Therefore, Al-Khawarizmi is rightfully acknowledged as the inventor of all the mathematical concepts used by Alan Turing and John Von Nuemann to introduce their respective models for digital computers.


Hawei UET Telecome IT Centre

University of Engineering & Technology (UET), Lahore took a new leap in Telecom Engineering with the establishment of Huawei UET Joint Telecom IT Centre. This centre is a training facility for engineers of Huawei technologies and industry. This centre also provides a perfect place for students to gain experience and knowledge related to practical approach of communication standards.

Huawei UET Joint Telecom IT Centre (HUTIC) was inaugurated in 2002-03 in UET, in collaboration with Huawei Technologies. Equipment of worth 3 Million USD was installed in its first phase. Then installed GSM network contained following modules.

GSM Modules - Phase I







The centre was established on the first floor of main Al-KICS building.
After 6 years of successful collaboration, Huawei has donated the latest version of GSM/GPRS equipment, worth 5.2 Million USD in the second phase. With this investment by Huawei, UET can offer the largest training facility in telecom technology in the region. The agreement included NGN, Broadband, GSM/GPRS, Data Comm. and STP products. The till now received equipment contains


GSM Modules - Phase II
BTS3012 BSC6000 PCU6000 MSOFTX3000 UMG8900
HLR9820 /td> SG7000 SGSN GGSN SmartAX MA560.

Currently, this equipment is in its installation phase.
With the arrival of Huawei's GSM R4 solution equipment, UET has taken a step ahead towards establishment of HUTIC research centre , in the building few yards away from the main Al-KICS building. The older GSM equipment installed in the first phase in also shifted to the new building.


Engineering services uet pakistan ltd. (esupak)



University of Engineering and Technology Lahore has 33 departments and 14 Research Centers. The departments have been providing services like consultancy design and testing etc. to other organzations and institutions. To integrate and centralize the use of potential and vast resources of the University, a consulting company in the field of engineering and architecture namely Engineering Services UET Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited” - ESUPAK has been established by the University, with its Head Office on the main campus of the University located at G.T Road, Lahore, Pakistan.

The main objective is to create a pool of talented and experienced professionals to render consulting services in all disciplines of engineering, architecture, urban and regional planning, industrial & engineering management etc. The nucleus and vision is to render consultancy services as per international standards for both local and as well as foreign funded projects in Pakistan and abroad.

Like almost all countries of the world, the provision of consultancy services is not a new concept in UET Lahore. Ever since the inception of the University, the faculties as well as the faculty members have been engaging themselves in consulting / advisory services of various nature and these activities, although sporadic but are quite voluminous. In 1974, UET established a centralized consultancy office with the name, University Design Directorate (U.D.D.) that offered consultancy, advisory & testing services in various fields such as architecture, town planning, landscaping, structural, electrical, and mechanical & public health engineering. It used to operate through groups of members from the concerned faculty e.g. Architectural Design Group from the Architecture Department, Civil Engineering Design Group from the Civil Engineering Department, and so on. The U.D.D. undertook a number of projects of national significance that were subsequently executed to successful completion by the respective client. The projects undertaken by the U.D.D. are therefore inherited by ESUPAK.

ESUPAK has been pre-qualified by Government of Punjab and Government of Pakistan by its various departments such as Punjab Board of Investment and Trade, Planning and Development Division, SMEDA etc, and International Funding Agencies such as IDB.

ESUPAK has a human resource in the form of highly experienced and qualified professional staff, which is motivated with total commitment to provide quality services in all areas of its operation.

ZTE-UET Telecommunication Centre

In August 2005, a branch of ZTE University in China was established in Islamabad, Pakistan, to provide quality management and technical trainings to the general public. In order to meet these goals the ZTE-UET Telecommunication Centre was established at UET Lahore, one of the premier engineering institutions in the country, in June 2007, and was inaugurated by the then Governor of Punjab, Lt. General (Retired) Khalid Maqbool. The centre is housed on the top floor in the Department of Electrical Engineering. The telecommunication equipment worth approximately Rs 200 million has been donated by ZTE China to the University. The centre has three state-of-the-art teaching laboratories and one classroom – all are equipped with the latest audio-visual aids and computing facilities. The teaching laboratories provide hands-on training (a) in Fixed network (MSAN, DSLAM and SDH) and (b) on Wireless (GSM and WCDMA) technologies. Besides the laboratories and classroom the centre also has space for a conference room, offices and a dining area. All the training sessions are conducted by instructors who have been extensively trained at ZTE University in China and go back there regularly for refresher courses.

Center for Language Engineering

Pakistan has a rich multilingual and multi-cultural heritage, with about 70 spoken languages, deriving from a diverse set of Indo-Aryan, Indo-Iranian, Sino-Tibetan and Dravidian language families.  More than half of these languages also have a written form, employing (predominantly) Perso-Arabic Nastalique and Arabic Naskh writing styles. Gujarati, Gurmuki and Tibetan scripts are also used by some communities, while some others are in the process of defining their writing systems.  These languages exhibit a diverse set of sounds and underlying linguistic structures which are both linguistically and computationally exciting and challenging.  Most of these languages are not well-studied or well-modeled, and present a vast training ground for researchers in linguistics and computer science.

Center for Language Engineering (CLE) is conducting research and development in linguistic and computational aspects of languages, specifically of Pakistan and developing Asia. The center also actively arranges and participates in seminars, workshops and conferences dedicated to promote language processing nationally and internationally. This work will be instrumental in development of computing in relevant languages.

CLE aims to create opportunities for local populations to access information and communicate in their local languages, to enable them to use Information and Communication Technology maximally for their socio-economic benefit. 

This entails research and development objectives in the following areas:

        Linguistics and writing system

        Language computing standards

        Language, speech and script processing

        Relevant local language content development and dissemination

        Local language computing adoption and use

        Local language computing policy

CLE has a dedicated team of graduate students and full-time research staff, including linguists, sociologists, computer scientists and engineers, striving to achieve these objectives. 




Income from Industry through Laboratory Testing

Sr. No Name of Department Income
1 Department of Civil Engineering 24.30 M
2 Institute of Environmental Engineering & Research 0.125 M
3 Department of Chemical Engineering 0.295 M
4 Department of Electrical Engineering 3.364 M
5 Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 1.070 M
6 Department of Mining Engineering 0.070 M
7 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering 0.573 M
8 Department of Mechanical Engineering 1.129 M
9 Department of Architectural Engineering & Design 5.150 M
10 Department of Humanities, Management and Social Sciences 0.145 M
11 Department of Computer Science & Engineering 0.144 M
12 Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering 0.015 M
13 Building and Works 0.039 M
14 Repair and Maintenance Cell 0.015 M
15 Miscellaneous 1.760 M
38.25 M


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